CPR Shopfitting 0844 381 4845

Nationwide Specialist Shopfitting

CPR Shopfitting News

Monday, August 1, 2011

Ceilings, floors and windows

We often have enquiries from pharmacies who want to brighten up their shop and dispensary but dont want to go to the expense of a full refit. Often one of the simplest solutions is to install a new suspended ceiling, some new lighting and buff up or replace the floor.

Our ceiling experts have installed enough square meters of ceiling to fill wembly several times over, so in most shops we can fit a top quality ceiling over a weekend or even overnight. New lighting will also help brighten up the shop and disepnsary and can make a world of difference to your workspace.

Another neat trick is to tidy up window beds and the shopfront so as to make your shop moe inviting to passing customers.

Why not give us a call and get an estimate? We offer a nationwide service and gurantee the highest standards of workmanship.
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