CPR Shopfitting 0844 381 4845

Nationwide Specialist Shopfitting

CPR Shopfitting News

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Clacton on Sea refit photos

We recently completed a relocation for Rowlands Pharmacy in Clacton on Sea. This was a tricky job as a number of complex building issues arose, however we managed to resolve them and still meet the deadline for opening the pharmacy.  Below are some before, during and after photos.

Below is the space before the refit. The shop had been a nursery, the walls you can see were removed to open up the dispensary. 

The image below was taken during the fit out; this was after the walls had come out. You can see the drawer unit being installed and the system going in. The new ceiling has also gone in.

Below is the finished dispensary

...and the finished shop

Ready for the grand opening as scheduled in early May.

Consultation Rooms

We are often surprised at how few pharmacies have consultation rooms which are actually accessable and useable. It seems that great opportunities to offer revenue generating services are not being utilised. At £26 per MUR a room could pay for itself in no time.

Our designers try to integrate the consultation room into the heart of the shop which makes it convenient for the pharmacist and patients to access, and thus more likely to be used. With the current trend of pharmacies offering more services to patients maybe it is time to consider installing one and capitalising on another revenue stream. If you would like one of our designers to visit you please email info@cprshopfitting.co.uk and we will arrange a convenient time and date to pop in.

We have just finished another successful full refit on time and on budget in Rhossdu Wrexham and this week have teams in Middlesborough, North Wales and Bristol.
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